
New grant to help military students experiences multiple moves: There will be an app for that

by Linda Jackson

Apps on our phones and tablets are meant to make life easier and point us to the services and providers who can meet our needs. There’s no reason why such innovation can’t also simplify and improve the stressful process that military children and their parents face every time they enroll in a new school.

That’s the idea behind a new four-year, $5 million grant from the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) to the USC School of Social Work, Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD) and four other military-connected school districts in San Diego and Riverside counties—Bonsall Union School […]

By |August 27th, 2013|Grants, News|0 Comments

Gen. Petraeus honors student veterans during USC visit

by Merrill Balassone

During a three-day tour of USC, retired four-star Gen. David Petraeus met with social work students learning to serve veterans returning from war, viewed a high-tech virtual patient with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and gave a highly anticipated speech to hundreds of student veterans.

At a dinner on March 26 honoring more than 600 USC student veterans and members of the university’s long-running ROTC program, Petraeus said that never in the country’s history has a generation of young soldiers served so long in combat or on so many tours of duty abroad.

“The post-9/11 generation of veterans has deservedly become […]

By |April 28th, 2013|News|0 Comments