Upcoming Events
The Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative is a structured network of public, private and government agencies guiding community practitioners; building responsive community networks; informing policy and identifying broadly applicable and effective solutions that rely on promising preventative strategies for veterans and their families.
WHEN: Wednesday, June 13th | 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
WHERE: The California Endowment, 1000 N. Alameda St.
REGISTER online.
Past Events
The USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work Military Academic Center presents “Combat Veteran Paradox: A Conversation with Carl Castro.”
Carl Castro, associate professor at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work and retired Army colonel, has published research on a set of seemingly contradictory feelings and statements that combat veterans experience during their reintegration to civilian life. Castro will discuss the paradoxes combat veterans face, how they manifest themselves in everyday lives, and how they can be overcome. He will also discuss the pardoxes organizations face who want to help veterans.
WHEN: Thursday, April 12th | 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: Radisson Hotel at USC, located at 3540 S. Figueroa St.
Watch Facebook Live presentation |
The 2018 Military Transition Research Summit will convene experts on financial readiness during military transition, exploring how we create financial stability and readiness in service members before they leave the military. Panel discussions will feature personal transition experiences from veterans and expert perspectives on the financial challenges facing service members and veterans.
This is the fourth research summit hosted by the USC Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families, which strives to advance the health and well-being of our nation’s service members, veterans and their families through innovations in research, education and community engagement.
Agenda included:
Presentation by Prudential and USO on Pathfinder program
- CHUCK SEVOLA is vice president of Prudential’s Veterans Initiatives Office
- JULIE BRANDON is vice president of worksite education and a national client lead at Prudential
- KYLEE DURANT is vice president of transition technology and innovation programs at the USO
Panel by veterans highlighting unique experiences of transition
- JUSTIN GOODING is a financial professional associate at Prudential
- MICHAEL ST DENIS is an MSW student at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work
- KRISTINE STANLEY is a program coordinator at U.S. VETS
- LEWIS RUNNION is director of military affairs at Bank of America Merrill Lynch
- JIM ZENNER is a peer support coordinator at the Greater Los Angeles VA Medical Center
Panel by government and academic experts
- MIKE CARR is deputy director of the Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits Assistance Service
- ERIC ELBOGEN is professor of psychiatry at Duke University
- MEREDITH KLEYKAMP is an associate professor of sociology at director of the Center for Research on Military Organization at the University of Maryland
- MIKE MILLER is chief of private and public engagement within the Department of Defense’s Transition to Veterans Program Office (TVPO)
- HEATHER ROBERTSON is associate professor in the School of Education at St. John’s University
- JOSE SANCHEZ is assistant director for Veterans Employment and Training Services (VETS) with the Department of Labor
WHEN: Friday, Feb. 9, 2018
WHERE: Radisson Hotel at USC
Listen to presentation and panels |
Dowload Prudential-USO presentation |
The Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families (CIR) at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work held a conference aimed at addressing the critical issues facing today’s veterans. The State of the American Veteran Conference will focus on understanding the military transition issues of veterans and families, learning about their needs and challenges, and moving toward concrete policy recommendations to ease their transition and increase their well-being.
Five conference tracks focused on:
- Combat Veterans
- Student Veterans
- Women Veterans
- National Guard & Reserve
- Children & Families
Amishi Jha, PhD, is a neuroscientist and associate professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Miami, where she also serves as director of Contemplative Neuroscience for the UMindfulness Initiative. Jha’s research includes neural bases of attention and the effects of mindfulness-based training programs on cognition, emotion and resilience in the military.
WHEN: Monday, March 20, 2017
WHERE: USC City Center, 1150 S. Olive St., 11th Floor Board Room
Listen to Dr. Jha’s presentationPeter M. Gutierrez, PhD, is a clinical/research psychologist with the VA’s Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) in Denver. He has been studying suicide, focusing on screening, assessment and intervention, for more than 20 years and has authored over 90 peer-reviewed articles on suicide-related topics. He is co-director of the Department of Defense-funded Military Suicide Research Consortium.
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017
WHERE: USC City Center
Watch Dr. Gutierrez’ presentationMaria Steenkamp, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and research assistant professor at New York University’s Department of Psychiatry. Completing her postdoctoral training at the Boston VA Healthcare System, Steenkamp studies epidemiology, prevention, and the treatment of military-related PTSD, with special interest in development of new treatments. She will provide a review of military-PTSD interventions, along with discussions on the limitations of extant approaches and alternative approaches.
WHEN: Thursday, May 12, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
WHERE: USC University Park Campus, MRF Hamovitch
Watch Dr. Steenkamp’s presentationEdward Tick, PhD, is the executive director and co-founder of Soldier’s Hear, which seeks to restore the emotional, moral and spiritual wounds of service members that result from military service. This is the author of numerous books, including the award-winning War and the Soul and the recently released Warrior’s Return, which presents a case for change in the way we welcome back veterans. Tick is an internationally recognized educator and expert on veterans, PTSD and psychology of military related issues.
WHEN: Monday, Nov. 16, 12 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
WHERE: USC School of Social Work, City Center – Classroom C, 1149 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, CA 90015
Listen to his talk.This one-day conference aims to raise awareness of the sexual intimacy problems experienced by military populations and to provide basic tools to help providers address these issues. (CEUs available)
- Military Relationships
- Military Sexual Trauma among males
- Genital Injuries
- Sexual Functioning
- Medication Use
- Introduction to toolkit with newly released video vignettes.
WHEN: Friday, Feb. 13, 2015, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
WHERE: Radisson Los Angeles, 3540 South Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90007
MORE INFORMATION: live-usc-cir.pantheonsite.io/cirlearn/the-other-invisible-wounds-sex-the-military
LISTEN: Audio recording of the conference.
Closing the Gap: Planning the Research Agenda for the Next Decade to Address the Needs of Service Members, Veterans and their Families convened a global summit of leading researchers and policymakers to discuss the critical and emerging issues for military service members, veterans and their families into the next decades.
The summit presented the most critical and emerging issues facing service members, veterans and their families through panel discussions with leading military scientists and policy developers. These panels will share what is currently being done and what is needed going forward to address the most pressing issues over the next decade.
Panels will address the research and gaps in research related to:
- Transition
- Behavioral Health
- Physical Functioning
- Suicide and Violence
- Military Families
WHEN: Friday, Feb. 6, 2015, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
WHERE: USC campus, Town & Gown, 665 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90089
LISTEN: Audio recording of the summit.
Delivered onsite at the USC Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families, this three-hour workshop is designed for those who have completed a Motivational Interviewing (MI) course and wish to practice MI skills via both team role play and in a virtual client experience.
Motivational Interviewing Learning Environment and Simulation (MILES) is a a virtual reality project that allows providers to practice MI. During a MILES session, one person interacts with the virtual patient — National Guardsman Mike Baker — while other participants watch in an adjoining room and select clinical responses from a list of multiple-choice options.
This workshop provides an opportunity for participants to hone skills needed to support returning service members, their families and their communities in an interactive environment. (CEU: 2 credit hours)
If you have not yet taken a Motivational Interviewing course or need a refresher, CIR offers a four-hour online MI course (free of charge).
WHEN: Friday, Feb. 6, 2015, 9 a.m. – noon (Continental breakfast served at 8:30 a.m.)
WHERE: CIR Offices, 1150 S. Olive St., 11th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Learn about an innovative community-impact model that gathers the collective expertise of government, nonprofit organizations and civil society to build and deliver effective solutions for the greatest challenges facing today’s veterans.
Highlighted as an innovative example by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Office of Warrior and Family Support, the Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative — administered by the USC Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families (CIR) — is an exemplar of how public and private sectors can work together to provide a holistic approach to meet the needs of veterans and military families using concrete data for greatest impact. Its successes across various sectors are due to a holistic, data-driven approach that is focused on prevention and attuned to military culture.
WHEN: Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
WHERE: Top of the Hill Banquet and Conference Center, Reserve Officers Association, One Constitution Ave., NE, Washington, D.C., 20002
WHY: After more than a decade at war, the influx of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans back into US civilian communities has yet to peak, but is clearly under way. Communities are not always prepared to receive these veterans, especially when transitions from military to civilian life can be precarious and not always negotiated successfully. Recent studies of veterans tell us that we have not effectively engaged them early enough in their transition process. It has become increasingly clear that there is a dire need for support services, employment assistance and medical treatment options. A collective-impact strategy supported by data will help align all these sectors for the benefit of veterans and military families.
The USC Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families will be hosting a lecture with Maj. Gen. Giora Romm, an Israeli prisoner of war, who will discuss his personal experiences in captivity and his journey to positions of leadership within the Israeli Defense Forces.
Eyal Fruchter, USC School of Social Work visiting scholar and former head of the IDF Medical Corps Mental Health Division, will also discuss how treatment of POWs has changed over the years.
Maj. Gen. Romm served in the Israeli Air Force for 33 years, holding a variety of flight roles and senior command and staff positions, including as deputy commander of the IDF Air Force and Defense Attaché to the United States. In 1969, Romm was a prisoner of war in Egypt. He has written about his experience, including Tulip Four, which won a 2009 Yitchak Sade prize for military literature and was recently translated in English in Solitary: The Crash, Captivity and Comeback of an Ace Fighter Pilot.
WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 7, 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
WHERE: USC School of Social Work – 11th Floor Classroom C, 1149 S. Hill St., Los Angeles
For the second year, USC is hosting the Serving Those Who Have Served Veterans Career Event on May 29, 2014 on the university campus.
National Guard, Reserve and spouses welcome.
Not a typical job fair.
All employers have gone through an online veteran training course.
Employers present will have high-paying job openings within Los Angeles County.
Local and small businesses represented, including USC.
Career coaches available.
Morning break-out sessions. Lunch provided.
Check back soon for a follow-up piece to the event.
WHEN: Wednesday, May 14
TIME: 12:30 p.m. – 2 p.m.
WHERE: 1150 S. Olive St., Sunset Theater – 11th Floor
CEUs: 1.5
Dr. Marina Mia Cunin is an anthropologist who has conducted research on military spouses and their varied experiences. Based on individual and group interviews, as well as traditional fieldwork methods, her research highlights the diversity of groups and definitions of being a “military spouse.”
A military spouse herself, she hopes her fieldwork will contribute to the increasing awareness of the diversity of this community.

WHEN: Thursday, March 27
TIME: 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
WHERE: AT&T Building, 11th Floor – Sunset Theater
1150 S. Olive St., Los Angeles, CA
RSVP to no later than March 25.
IMPORTANT: This is a secure building. If you do not have badge access, your name will need to be added to a guest list at the security desk. Please arrive early to allow time to clear security.
Distinguished Panelists:
- James Maddox: National Service Officer, Vietnam Veterans of America, USC MSW Candidate ’16
- Ivan J. Houston: “Buffalo Soldier” in the 92nd Infantry Division in World War II, recipient Bronze Star and Purple Heart
- Sherry Porter: 5th black female to enlist in segregated Marine Corps in March 1952
- Capt. Edward Hicks (Ret. USMC): An original member of the segregated Montford Point Marines
- Master Gunnery Sgt. Robert Reid (Ret. USMC): An original member of the segregated Montfod Point Marines
The USC Gould School of Law and the Saks Institute for Mental Health Law, Policy and Ethics present MANY VOICES, ONE VISION: Assisting College and University Students with Mental Illness Make the Most of their Academic Experience.
Many experts in the field will be presenting during the two-day symposium, including CIR Director Anthony Hassan for a session on student veterans with mental illness.
When: Wednesday, March 12 – Thursday, March 13, 2014
Time: 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Where: USC University Park Campus, Town and Gown
For more information and to register for the event, visit http://sakssymposium.eventbrite.com
When: Wednesday, Feb. 19
Time: 4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Location: USC University Park Campus, Town and Gown
Our colleagues at the USC Social Work Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging hold their annual memorial lecture next month. This year’s speaker is the Honorable Togo D. West, Jr., former U.S. Secretary of the Army and former U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs. He is currently chairman of the TLI Leadership Group and Noblis, Inc.
Couldn’t attend? Click to here to read about the event.
When: Thursday, Feb. 6
Time: 11 a.m. — 12:15 p.m.
Location: USC University Park Campus, Social Work Center 106
Join us for a discussion about family violence in military families with David Lloyd, former director of the Family Advocacy Program with the Office of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community. As director, Lloyd developed Department of Defense policy and conduced oversight of the military services’ prevention and treatment of child and spouse abuse programs.
Click here to watch Lloyd’s presentation online.
A Colloquium with Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire (Ret.)
When: Wednesday, Jan. 22
Time: 11 a.m. — 12 p.m.
Location: USC Davidson Conference Center, Club Room, 3415 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90089
Join USC CIR for a colloquium with Canadian Senator and retired Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire, who commanded the United Nations forces during the Rwandan genocide. Dallaire will discuss his personal story and the impact post-traumatic stress has on military families.
Lunch will be provided.
Parking is available for $10 in Structure D. Enter off Jefferson Boulevard at Royal Street.
For more information on LGen Dallaire, visit www.romeodallaire.com.
A Colloquium with Medal of Honor Recipient Staff Sgt. Ty Michael Carter
When: Tuesday, Sept. 3
Time: 11 a.m. — 12 p.m.
Location: USC Davidson Conference Center, Vineyard Room, 3415 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90089
Join USC CIR for a colloquium featuring Medal of Honor recipient Staff Sgt. Ty Michael Carter, who received the nation’s highest award while deployed in Operation Enduring Freedom. Carter will discuss the stress of war and the importance of supporting and assisting soldiers.
Lunch will be provided.
Parking is available for $10 in Structure D. Enter off Jefferson Blvd. at Royal St.
For more information on Staff Sgt. Carter, visit his Medal of Honor page.