
Buffalo Soldier, U.S. Marines share stories of segregation

by Claudia Bustamante

Every year, residents of Lucca, in Tuscany, celebrate the end of Nazi occupation by honoring the Americans who came to liberate it.

In 1944, much of occupied Tuscany was freed by the U.S. Army 92nd Infantry Division, the only segregated division to fight in Europe during World War II. They were known as buffalo soldiers.

“Here we were in World War II, giving them their freedom and not even free ourselves,” said Ivan Houston, a former Army sergeant and author of “Black Warriors: The Buffalo Soldiers of World War II.”

“We were second-class citizens.”

Houston, along with original African-American members of the […]

By |April 8th, 2014|Events, News|0 Comments

Summit with Gary Sinise Foundation focuses on wounded warriors, caregivers

Because of medical advances, this generation of post-9/11 veterans is now surviving injuries once considered fatal and returning to communities that may be ill-prepared to care for them.

A recent summit convened by the Gary Sinise Foundation and the USC School of Social Work’s Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans and Military Families brought together a diverse set of experts in physical, psychological and community needs to discuss the challenges faced by severely wounded warriors and their caregivers.

Held at the University of Southern California, about 60 attendees at the “Closing the Gap” summit aimed to identify gaps in care and […]

By |March 10th, 2014|Events, News|0 Comments