
Former U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Army gives Roybal Memorial Lecture

by Vincent Lim

Delivering this year’s Edward R. Roybal Memorial Lecture, former U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs and former U.S. Secretary of the Army Togo West Jr. said unprecedented health and social challenges face today’s returning military service members, and they will only mount as veterans age.

Sponsored by the USC Roybal Institute on Aging at the USC School of Social Work with honorary co-host Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.), the biennial event honors the institute’s namesake and founder Edward Roybal — a champion of health and aging services as well as veteran causes. The institute works to advance research that enhances aging […]

By |February 28th, 2014|Events, News|0 Comments

Social Work tackles military and veteran issues

by Claudia Bustamante

For more than a decade, a small percentage of Americans has volunteered to join the military and take part in the nation’s longest-running wars, but the effects of combat and the transitions home impact more than just that 1 percent.

Families, friends and entire communities have been welcoming home service members whose wartime experiences can span the gamut of physical and psychological reactions, including post-traumatic stress disorder.

Combat-related PTSD provides a paradox that civilian society struggles to understand, specifically how its symptoms, which on one hand, might impair a successful transition can also be considered beneficial.

“A lot of these guys […]

By |February 21st, 2014|Events, News|1 Comment