
School hosts statewide event on military children’s education

The USC School of Social Work co-hosted the Military Child Education Coalition’s California Public Engagement conference, where more than 100 influential policymakers, community leaders, educators, religious leaders and military officials gathered to create the first statewide plan to support the education of military children in California.

Professor Ron Astor, who leads the school’s Building Capacity in Military-Connected Schools project, and Anthony Hassan, director of the USC Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans and Military Families, chaired the event, which took place Sept. 20 at the Radisson Midtown. The goal was to bring together decision makers to identify future directions in […]

By |October 29th, 2012|Events, News|0 Comments

School to host statewide event on military children’s education

The USC School of Social Work will co-host the Military Child Education Coalition’s California Public Engagement conference, with approximately 100 influential policymakers, community leaders and military officials invited to collaborate on ways to support the education of military children in California.

Professor Ron Astor, who leads the School of Social Work’s Building Capacity in Military-Connected Schools project, and Anthony Hassan, director of the USC Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans and Military Families, will chair the event slated for Sept. 20 at the Radisson Midtown.

“This initiative is simply good community practice,” Hassan said. “The engagement is a force multiplier for […]

By |August 9th, 2012|Events, News|0 Comments