
U.S., Canadian forces share war stories, how to help wounded warriors

by Maya Meinert

Lt. Col. Stéphane Grenier returned home to Canada after serving in Rwanda for nine months in the mid-1990s with the Canadian Forces. Though he didn’t experience combat while he was there, he wasn’t the same when he came back. Grenier soon descended into a deep depression and became suicidal.

It turned out he had post-traumatic stress disorder, but since he hadn’t seen combat, was he even allowed to have those feelings?

“There’s fatigue, wear and tear, that happens on the body when you’ve been on the front line for months,” said Grenier. “It wasn’t what we did but what we […]

By |January 24th, 2011|Events, News|0 Comments

Consortium develops competencies for the care of families impacted by military service

The USC School of Social Work’s Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans and Military Families (CIR) co-hosted a consortium with the Army Behavioral Health Division’s Marriage and Family Therapy Program to develop a competency model for training mental health professionals treating military personnel and their families.

A group of 32 senior Department of Defense and military service behavioral healthcare leaders, distinguished academics, representatives from the Veterans Administration family programs and other behavioral health care experts convened in Los Angeles on Jan. 5-6 to develop competencies for behavioral health educators and providers caring for families impacted by military service.

“The ongoing war […]

By |January 14th, 2011|Events, News|0 Comments