
Astor, Jill Biden bring attention to military-connected children

by Ross Brenneman

In order to draw attention to the difficulties children in military and veteran families face in schools, Jill Biden, wife of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, highlighted Operation Educate the Educators, a federal initiative, during a discussion last Monday at the annual conference for the American Educational Research Association. The goal of the session was to raise awareness in university schools of education about military and veteran children in public schools and to recruit more universities to join a national effort.

Biden’s AERA session was orchestrated between AERA and the White House by Ron Avi Astor, the Lenore Stein-Wood […]

By |April 20th, 2016|Faculty, News|0 Comments

Visiting scholar brings international focus to military transition issues

by Claudia Bustamante

Struggling to translate military skillsets for the civilian workplace and developing an identity outside the military are not transitional challenges unique to American veterans.

In an exchange of ideas that could promote the well-being of all veterans—regardless of nationality—David Pedlar, research director at Veterans Affairs Canada, joined the USC School of Social Work as a Fulbright visiting research chair in military social work.

Pedlar’s semester-long appointment with the school’s Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families will focus on conducting research and gathering best practices on improving transition from military service to civilian life for veterans. He […]

By |February 4th, 2016|Faculty, News|0 Comments