
CIR wins national award of distinction for work with veterans

by Claudia Bustamante

The USC Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families (CIR) was one of seven organizations to be awarded the inaugural Seal of Distinction by the Call of Duty Endowment Thursday for its efforts at helping transitioning veterans gain meaningful employment.

The Seal of Distinction comes with a $30,000 unrestricted grant and potential for larger grants by the endowment.

“It is an honor to receive the Activision Call of Duty Endowment Seal of Distinction because it recognizes our commitment to helping veterans develop the skills that will enable them to succeed in the workplace and connecting them with […]

By |November 9th, 2013|Giving, Grants, News|0 Comments

USC professor donates $10,000 to CIR

The gift was awarded to the Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families, which hosted a colloquium Tuesday where Carter addressed more than 100 people on his personal struggles with post-traumatic stress.

“I thought he gave one of the most moving presentations,” Ell said. “He didn’t have any notes. He was doing it from the heart.”

Ell has seen up-close through her research and family connections how post-traumatic stress can be a lifelong struggle. Despite major advances, there remains much to learn about PTSD.

Ell, the Ernest P. Larson Professor of Health, Ethnicity, and Poverty, has conducted research on major […]

By |September 9th, 2013|Giving, News|0 Comments