Study pinpoints a veteran’s vulnerability

by Claudia Bustamante

More than 7,400 veterans commit suicide each year, or nearly 20 a day, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.* This rate, which has increased significantly in the past 10 years, has eluded explanation, though many point to a correlation between combat experience and mental health issues.

Researchers at USC believe they can now identify when veterans may be more prone to suicide, a first step in more effective prevention efforts.

The study, published online in Current Psychiatry Reports in June, found that veterans are more likely to take their own lives when they feel they have become a […]

By |July 25th, 2014|News, Research|0 Comments

Gallery: USC Serving Those Who Have Served Veterans Career Event

On Thursday, May 29, more than 200 veterans met with representatives from 45 companies during USC’s 2nd annual “Serving Those Who Have Served” veterans career event. Unlike typical job fairs, this day hoped to increase likelihood of job prospects by connecting veterans with navigators and educating employers about veteran hires. Read more here.


By |June 2nd, 2014|Collaborative, Events, News|1 Comment