USC School of Social Work

Retired Air Force officer honored for her new classroom role

by Claudia Bustamante

If you ask Kimberly Finney to list her accomplishments, you’d be hard-pressed to get a response—not because there haven’t been noteworthy moments in the retired U.S. Air Force officer’s career, but because that’s not her style.

“It’s just part of my training. If there’s something to be done, you just do it,” said Finney, a clinical psychologist and clinical associate professor with the USC School of Social Work. “I very rarely take time to pause to look at what I’m doing or what I’ve done until someone points it out to me.”

Luckily, someone has pointed it out.

Most recently, Finney […]

By |April 17th, 2014|News|0 Comments

Former U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Army gives Roybal Memorial Lecture

by Vincent Lim

Delivering this year’s Edward R. Roybal Memorial Lecture, former U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs and former U.S. Secretary of the Army Togo West Jr. said unprecedented health and social challenges face today’s returning military service members, and they will only mount as veterans age.

Sponsored by the USC Roybal Institute on Aging at the USC School of Social Work with honorary co-host Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.), the biennial event honors the institute’s namesake and founder Edward Roybal — a champion of health and aging services as well as veteran causes. The institute works to advance research that enhances aging […]

By |February 28th, 2014|Events, News|0 Comments