The editors of the Journal of Gerontological Social Work are seeking manuscripts for a Special Issue on Aging Military Veterans.

Those aged 65 and older comprise an estimated 43% of the 21.8 million living veterans in the United States. The aim of the special issue is to highlight the role of social workers — clinicians, program administrators, and educators — and social work research in the care of aging military veterans and their families. Proposed areas to be addressed in this special issue include but are not limited to clinical and therapeutic interventions with veterans and military families, training of social work professionals in issues of veterans’ care, mental health assessment of older veterans, delivery of home and community-based services to veterans, working with older female or sexual and gender minority veterans, delivery of social work services within the VA Models of Care, integrated health and social service provision, and/or cross-disciplinary collaborations or community partnership initiatives. Contributors across disciplines are welcome. Each submission should discuss implications and future directions for social work practice, research, and/or policy.

The special edition will be guest edited by Eugenia Weiss, affiliated faculty member with the USC School of Social Work, Frances Nedjat-Haiem, also with the USC School of Social Work, and David L. Albright, University of Missouri School of Social Work.

Authors should carefully review the Journal of Gerontological Social Work author instructions and submit manuscripts online at Authors should indicate on submission that the manuscript is for the Special Issue on Aging Military Veterans.

Submissions must be received by August 31, 2014.

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