Annual gift that comes from the heart

By Maya Meinert

As a child, Chuck Spielman would listen to his father’s friends tell stories of their experiences in World War II, enthralled by the men’s tales of everything from traveling through Europe to living on the frontlines.

“I was fascinated by the age of 5,” he said. “The stories of men and women who would leave civilian life willingly and fight for their countries fascinated me.”

This interest turned out to be lifelong, following him through high school — where his World War II colonel-turned-social studies teacher passed around rocks from the beaches of Normandy — and college. Spielman has now […]

By |January 9th, 2015|Giving, Research|0 Comments

Veteran trades military service for social service

by Claudia Bustamante

Gerardo Reynoso joined the Army because he wanted adventure and prestige. He signed up while still in high school during peacetime and was captivated by the idea of escaping his Southern California neighborhood and living in Europe, where the most danger he could possibly see would be in Bosnia.

But two days before graduating from boot camp, the plan changed. It was Sept. 11, 2001.

“I didn’t even realize it happened,” Reynoso said. He and the other privates went into a room that was streaming live news coverage of the attacks. “We thought it was fake, and they were testing us […]

By |December 17th, 2014|News|0 Comments