
Chicagoland veteran study reveals larger national needs

by Claudia Bustamante

Veterans across the nation are unprepared for life after military service, according to a new University of Southern California study.

A report by the Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families (CIR) at the USC School of Social Work of veterans living in and around Chicago found that a majority of veterans, primarily those serving after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, experienced transition challenges and needed time to figure out what to do after the military.

The Chicago study is the third time the USC center has examined a local military population. Similar efforts have been conducted […]

By |April 25th, 2016|Giving, News, Research|0 Comments

New USC report finds most veterans return to Los Angeles unprepared for civilian life

Few veteran services focus on prevention of chronic conditions, like unemployment and homelessness

LOS ANGELES — Many service members leaving the military and returning to Los Angeles County are not prepared for the transition home and have a range of needs that cannot be easily provided by a single organization, according to a new University of Southern California School of Social Work report released Tuesday.

“The State of the American Veteran: The Los Angeles County Veterans Study” by the USC School of Social Work’s Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families outlines the findings of a survey conducted fall 2013 of […]

By |October 2nd, 2014|News|1 Comment