
    $500,000 gift supports military social work scholarships

    by Claudia Bustamante

    When the May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust was deciding its most recent funding focus, it considered areas and organizations that would have the most impact.

    Recognizing the far-reaching effects and value of trained military social workers, the trust awarded a $500,000 25th Anniversary Grant to the USC School of Social Work for scholarship support for veterans and military families.

    To commemorate a quarter century of giving, the trust recently awarded five 25th Anniversary Grants totaling $3.7 million, one in each of its program areas: elders, foster youth, people with disabilities, veterans and military families, and discretionary grants.

    Ruth Collins, a […]

    By |March 23rd, 2015|News|0 Comments

      Orange County veterans face transition challenges, high mental health concerns

      by Claudia Bustamante

      Like their counterparts in Los Angeles, many service members returning home to Orange County are facing significant barriers to a successful transition back to civilian life, according to a new study from the USC School of Social Work.

      “The State of the American Veteran: The Orange County Veterans Study” by the Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families (CIR) at the USC School of Social Work details the findings of a survey of more than 1,200 veterans living in Orange County. The report mirrors a similar study conducted last fall in Los Angeles, the first comprehensive […]

      By |February 27th, 2015|News, Research|0 Comments