
Global experts convene to drive military research

by Claudia Bustamante

The nation’s nearly 22 million veterans and their families are confronted with difficult and enduring challenges.

Returning veterans face high unemployment rates, and homelessness is a national concern. Some veterans are coming home with severe physical injuries. Aging veterans must grapple with the further complications of injuries incurred during combat decades ago. Many have untreated mental health concerns. About 22 veterans a day die by suicide. These issues can strain relationships and stress caretakers. Military children are more vulnerable to suicide and depression.

During a recent two-day summit held at the University of Southern California, about 50 researchers from national […]

By |February 18th, 2015|Events, News, Research|0 Comments

CIR to launch mentoring group for military mental health providers

Since last summer, the USC School of Social Work has benefited from the expertise of Eyal Fruchter, a colonel and former head of the Israel Defense Forces mental health division. The visiting scholar is focusing his yearlong tenure on research and training.

Starting in February, Fruchter will launch a mentoring group of military mental health officers and clinicians. This group is an extension of work that has been on-going in Israel for decades with success.

The world of a mental health officer can be fairly isolated. You must make individual decisions about a service member’s mental health on a case-by-case basis. Often, […]

By |January 30th, 2015|News|0 Comments